
I now know I deserve everything

My job is ending in a couple weeks. I believe it is no mistake that it came to be during this time in my life that I had the opportunity to work with Seran. I likely would be reacting to the end of a contract as a time when I have to scramble to get more work. I don’t feel that way now. In fact, I feel that I need nothing, truly, and I now know I deserve everything. The right thing will come at the right time. I am looking forward to the new experience when it arises. I am grateful for it already. I really feel trusting that the right thing will happen for me at the time when it is best. I am applying for good positions, but now my focus is less on what I want and more on what I already have in my life. It has been a pleasure writing this blog and I wish everyone the best.


...all I did was fight to achieve.

I remember asking myself recently why, when I work so hard to make sure I get a certain result, does something unexpected happen? I was raised with the belief that as long as I worked hard enough, I could do anything. In fact, this is built into the fabric of American society-the American Dream. There was a time in my life lasting for years that all I did was fight to achieve, working harder than anyone else I knew. It wasn’t a happy time. When a less-than-desired result would happen, that would only make me work harder to get what I thought I “needed” at the time. I had a recent conversation with someone who complained of the same experience. That was several months ago and since then I have been wondering how to know when I should work hard and when I should let go. The answer came to me while I was involved in a project I really believe in. Someone asked me why I was spending so much time on this project, what kind of success I was seeking from it. I didn’t have an answer. I just believe in the project and decided to enjoy the work associated with it as much as possible. I’m not banking on any particular result, just the work is important and whatever results from that is what is meant to be. It was one of the first times in my life when outcome had little to do with my purpose. Then it occurred to me that I had my answer. I asked for the wisdom and it came to me naturally. I was grateful for the sense of freedom I had realized in doing something for the sake of my own personal values and becoming detached form the outcome. Now that is a gift!