
I placed myself in control of my situation

I was running late this morning. I am usually on time, maybe a few minutes late, but not often. During those times when I am late I normally become anxious and try my best to get to my destination as fast as possible. I tense up and feel irresponsible. Today I was leaving my driveway five minutes before the time I would usually walk in my office. I knew I would be about 15 minutes late without delays. I right away decided not to panic or become upset and anxious. I wanted this time to be different. I acknowledged that I was late, and that I had good reason for it. I also recognized that I don’t wish to feel anxious, especially at the start if my day; and that feeling that way wouldn’t change my circumstance. I wanted to respect myself and not feel like some kind of culprit. I have been realizing just how often I act or feel like I am in the wrong. I thought of all the other times in the same situation when I would sigh heavily at a traffic light, resent other cars in my way, and generally try to beat the ticking clock, all the while feeling that I was deserving of disapproval for my circumstance. It never got me there any faster, it just left me with bad feelings. I made a choice today to get on with my day in a more dignified manner. I made it there in the same amount of time as if I would have tried to force my way there faster. The difference is I arrived with a feeling of calm and contentment. I placed myself in control of my situation and that sent very good messages to me and everyone else.I do not have to suffer to make things go well and when they don't go well, harmful feelings don't help. I recognized that I am worthy of being late and still feeling and demanding respect. It is a better way to live.

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