
There is always time for an "oasis" in the day

It has been a very busy week, both at work and in my personal life. I have had very little time home and very little time to rest. It just happens that way sometimes. I anticipated getting more free time than I actually did, and doing my relaxation exercises at that time. I didn't do that enough this week. My mood was still very good, but I could sense that I was more tired than I have been in the last couple weeks. It is due to the lack of rest, both sleep and waking rest when I breath deeply and relax myself. I look back on the week and realize that I accomplished a lot, and that is good, but I was not thriving at all. I know this is the way life is when we have more pressure than usual, but it doesn;t have to be. There is always time for an "oasis" in the day and I don't allow myself this luxury. I also realized that very little wisdom comes to me in times of stress. Rather, my intuition operates on a more basic level. My times of insight and intuition are usually during those times when I can concentrate on my core. I am making this a scheduled event in every day of my life from this point on.


Men look at me a lot more now.

I noticed something lately. Men look at me a lot more now. I can only attribute this to all the positive personal changes I have made. I don' think they are all weight loss related. I have had a very good weight loss month, yes, but I am not near to my goal. I think it is more the result of feeling peaceful and happy, thinking good thoughts and letting them project through me. Instead of worrying so much about my outer appearance all the time, I am more concerned about what is within. I imagine that I am guarding a core that is inside me, keeping things I consider important close to it, and paying little attention to the rest. It has brought me peace and comfort and it must show somehow, because people react to me differently now.